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Todd Masters, MBA Certified Business and Executive Coach

Uncovering Possibilities and Unlocking Freedom for Business Leaders

Achieve Growth In What Matters The Most For Your Business - Time, Team, Money, And Future!

As seen on...

Grow Your


Elevate your view and identify new ways you can scale up your business.

Inspire Your


Lead creative people who think for themselves and deliver exceptional results.

Attract More


Entice more prospects to engage with you while building relationships before, during, and after visiting your company.

What did you want when you started in business?

Chances are, if you are like most people, it would have included some of the following concepts…

- Earning More Money

- Creating More Lasting Wealth

- Being The One In Control

- Doing More Of What You Love

- Surrounding Yourself With An Incredible Team

- Working Fewer Hours

- Having More Time For Vacations

If you also happen to be like most people, chances are your current reality doesn’t quite reflect the visions you once had.  

But it doesn’t have to be this way.  

You can work fewer hours, earn more money, have a great team, and create substantial amounts of net wealth. 

Click below to gain clarity and take control over the four critical elements of successful businesses - Time, Team, Money, and Future.

Brian Tracy and FocalPoint Business Coaching

FocalPoint Business Coaching is powered by founder Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy and partner Campbell Fraser have adapted the "very best of" Brian’s entrepreneurial and professional development learning’s and strategy into the FocalPoint coaching and training process. This allows business owners, leaders and their teams to effectively leverage Brian's business building tools, systems and methodology for maximum benefit through FocalPoint’s over 200 business coaches and trainers.

Cam Fraser adapted Brian's content for daily business use. Together with the vast experience and knowhow of FocalPoint’s over 300 business coaches, best practices in business coaching and profit generation come alive.

Brian Tracy Means Proven Business Improvement

Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 4,000+ talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 80 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.

For over 30 years, Brian has studied, researched, written and spoken in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 70 books which have been translated into dozens of languages.

In addition to the research, consulting, and presenting, he has also written and produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs, including the worldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement, which has been translated into more than 20 languages.

Here's How I Can Help

Business Coaching

Emphasis on the overall operation of your organization and how effectively it’s working.

Team Building

Talent assessments and proven methodologies to build, enhance, and strengthen your team to drive results.


Focused on goal setting, managing your time, building your wealth, leading your team, and much more.

Todd Masters, MBA

Business and Executive Coach

Todd Masters is an Atlanta-based FocalPoint Coach, and his ideal client is a hardworking and motivated business owner determined to grow and stabilize their business. Todd's ideal client values honesty, ethical practices, and expert guidance and is open to embracing technology and innovative solutions. They prioritize building a healthy, efficient, and profitable business while maintaining a work-life balance. They seek a supportive coaching approach with actionable strategies for long-term success.

With a diverse background that includes serving in the Air Force, owning a franchise and small businesses, and excelling in corporate executive leadership roles in sales, marketing, and strategic planning, Todd brings a wealth of experience to the table. His expertise lies in strategic vision and planning, optimizing operational efficiency, devising effective sales and marketing strategies, fostering leadership development, and conducting thorough operational analysis. Having personally experienced the impact of doubling sales revenue through successful campaigns, Todd provides actionable advice to struggling business owners.

Ready for an extraordinary business?


This 5-minute Business Growth Score assessment provides me with more insight into your needs and what you are looking for in your business.


A 20-minute discovery call is our chance to meet one another and have a conversation. It helps to determine if we are a good fit.


This is the ultimate goal. Whether it is personally, professionally, or fiscally... you name it, growth will happen through using my services!

Top 7 Small Business Problems: How to Overcome Them

Business is a fickle thing: It can yield incredible rewards to those who grind it out daily and doesn't bestow "luck" to those who don't.

However, regardless of your workload and experience, there's one thing that all small business owners run into throughout their careers: Adversity.

Once you get rid of one problem, another seems to take its place.

Luckily, they can be taken care of with a bit of preventative action from you and your management team. All the best business owners plan for these situations.

Here are seven common problems that small businesses run into and a solution for each one.

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Our mission is to guide you to bring forth new possibilities never imagined! Eliminating uncertainty, stress, and frustration. Achieving balance in your life, having clarity to take action. And that’s only the beginning. You will experience freedom...the joy you seek... and thrive!


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